About YesCare
Building on more than 40 years of experience as the leading provider of correctional healthcare, YesCare has raised the standards for comprehensive healthcare in correctional settings by bringing together the best practices of an experienced team with a vision for a recovery model of care.
What We Do
YesCare’s primary mission is to optimize long-run cost savings by making judgment calls that consider the ultimate objective of improving lives through an elevated, preventive model of care. We are a trusted partner and provider of choice to state and local governments across the country.

Facilitating Safe and Productive Recovery
With decades of experience providing healthcare in jails and prisons, YesCare uses technology and best practices to assist
ex-offenders’ transition from correctional settings back into their communities. We work with our clients to develop effective programs from intake to discharge, to facilitate the reentry of safe, healthy and productive citizens to society.

Addressing Behavioral Health
YesCare addresses behavioral health comprehensively. We provide a full continuum of care, from short-term services to support one’s ability to adjust to incarceration, through certified inpatient psychiatric hospital units and everything in between. Across all levels of care, we believe patients and communities are best served by coordinating with other health disciplines and community partners to ensure whole person care. We also deliver innovative trainings for our custody partners and provide programming aimed at supporting our shared goal of safe and healthy institutions. Whether we are the provider of comprehensive services or solely the behavioral health provider, YesCare takes a holistic approach to patient care.

Ensuring Patient Health and Safety
Over 40 years, YesCare has provided expert medical, dental and behavioral health services to more than 1,000,000 patients at 475 correctional facilities across the country through custom-designed healthcare programs.
YesCare developed a unique Patient Safety program as a standard of excellence for quality, safe patient care in the correctional healthcare setting. Our dedicated clinicians’ recognize that quality care relies on the identification of untreated and underdiagnosed medical and behavioral health issues.

Partnering With Government
YesCare utilizes the breadth and depth of our knowledge to design tailored service delivery models for each of our clients. We work with government agencies across the country as a trusted partner in improving outcomes in a cost-effective manner.
YesCare guarantees transparency.

Serving Our Communities
YesCare is dedicated to delivering safe, effective, and efficient services using clinical best practices and evidence-based medicine. But along the way, we serve our communities in other ways. We support our clients in their compassionate efforts to contribute to community-based programs, charities, and other initiatives. We support our employees' educational and professional goals along with mentorship and teaching opportunities at local nursing schools.
Accreditations & Industry Partners
YesCare can help you meet and exceed the standards of local, state and national agencies. We hold accreditations from the National Commission on Correctional Health Care (NCCHC), the American Correctional Association (ACA) and Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA). We are members of the Correctional Leaders Associations (CLA), Association of Women Executives in Corrections (AWEC), the National Sheriffs Association (NSA), the American Jail Association (AJA), The Center for Patient Safety and multiple local and state organizations including, the Sheriffs' Association of Texas, the Florida Sheriffs Association and the Virginia Sheriffs' Association.
Whether or not a facility where we provide healthcare is accredited, awareness and compliance are part of our employee orientation, training and continuing education. YesCare certifies staff in Lean Six Sigma through our partnership with goLeanSixSigma, an industry first. NCCHC and ACA standards are the basis for our policy and procedures and the foundation of our clinical and operational programs. Because of this, YesCare has a 100% success rate in obtaining and maintaining accreditation in each facility where accreditation is required.

YesCare Team
We are proud that our workforce is among the most diverse in the country. YesCare’s senior team has a thoughtfully constructed strategy to lead the industry through a pivotal time. Staffing challenges, criminal justice reform, the aging of the prison population, rising addiction, suicides and mental health issues and a growing awareness of the importance of saving productive lives collectively set the stage for change. YesCare is utilizing all of its corporate resources to meet staffing needs and is prioritizing the perspective of its medical and operational experts in solving for better risk-adjusted patient and societal outcomes.